Despite receiving enough negative publicity already, the brand behind the game managed to strike again. The Chinese version of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has been shipped out to non-Chinese speaking countries, leaving customers unhappy and confused. Gamers from other countries such as Singapore, but also Chinese residents that are not originally from China received the wrong game copy, and now can’t play it. While some are outraged and say they will ask for a refund, others are willing to accept a swap for the game version they wanted in the first place. Fortunately, user CSA100 on the official Call of Duty forums has offered a solution that seem to work. According to him, users need to uninstall all their Call of Duty files and switch their location and time to UK from the language and region settings. When re-installing the game, the correct language version will be reinstalled as well. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:
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