We already told you about problems players were reporting on the Steam forums last week. And after more research, new issues and solutions were found. There’s a massive thread on Steam for reporting recently encountered bugs and issues in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. This thread collected all the complaints that have been reported so far and put them in one place. At first look, the Steam thread contains a lot of issues. Some of the problems people have recently reported are: Even though the community managed to find the solution for some reported problems, the majority of issues still need to be resolved. So, if you know a solution for some of the above-mentioned problems, please share it with others — we’re sure your help would be appreciated. Bandai Namco recently confirmed the first Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 patch. The patch will be released on November 1, and it should address at least some of these issues. Releasing a patch just a few days after the game’s release was a must for Bandai Namco because the game is clearly causing a lot of problems for players and no one wants another unstable and buggy major release. Have you encountered problems while playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2? If the answer is yes, tell us in the comments below and report it on the Steam thread. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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