The good news: Final Fantasy XV achieved gold status, which means the game is ready and can finally enter the next step in the process that ends with the game in the hands of customers worldwide. While the main game is ready for the distribution process, the creative team behind Final Fantasy XV now has the opportunity to focus on extra content, specifically the three additional levels specifically designed for players who buy the premium version of the game. The premium version contains the Season Pass, which in turn contains the three extra episodes. In this extended version, players get to experience new stories through the eyes of another member of the team. Each of the three new characters players will be able to control, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, will have their own unique gameplay which you will be able to use against new enemies added to the game. Their three stories will be released in that same order. Later on, we will also get a DLC for the game called Comrades, which will bring multiplayer action to Final Fantasy XV. There is also a brand new four-minute trailer called Omen released for the game, which shows the prophecy as seen by Noctis’ father, King Regis. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

Final Fantasy XV to be released on November 29th Final Fantasy XV to be released this September, check out its gameplay demo Necropolis appears in the Windows Store, prepare to hit the play button

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