The information surfaced thanks to an analysis conducted by none other than Mozilla. According to what the company calls the Firefox Hardware Report, it seem that among those using Firefox, the most frequently seen and popular version of the Windows platform is actually Windows 7. Of course, not all Firefox users are adepts of using good ol’ Windows 7, but you can count 44.86% of them in. The remaining market shares is split among other OS versions, with Windows 10 taking second place thanks to its 25.67% market share. Windows is hoping to encapsulate the entirety of its user base into the company’s Windows 10 initiative which aims to turn the latest OS into the default and industry standard. Efforts towards reaching this goal include early support termination for previous OS installments and free Windows 10 upgrades for Windows 7 and 8.1 users. Another 10.36% of the market share is still in the possession of Windows XP, which is probably Microsoft’s most iconic iteration of Windows. The popularity of Windows 7 among Firefox users isn’t very shocking, since the platform was critically acclaimed and to this day remains a fan favorite. Also, it is worth taking into consideration that Mozilla Firefox isn’t the most popular browser choice either, meaning that we might be assisting a mass case of underdog syndrome.

Windows 7 loses 9% market share in one year, Windows 10 enjoys new users Windows 7 KB3205394 patches major security vulnerabilities, install it now Firefox 46 FINAL released alongside Firefox 47 beta for Windows

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