This can be the case with Raspberry Pi users. Sometimes, at the first login, the system won’t recognize the default passwords (eg. pi, for Linux OS, or ubuntu, for Ubuntu OS). The common error message is Authentication token manipulation error. The only successful solution reported by the Raspberry community members is to tweak the password file in the image. You will need another machine that runs on Windows, Mac, or Linux, where you can insert the SD card.
How do I fix authentication token manipulation error?
1. Modify the password file for Linux OS
Then put the card into the PC again and delete the init=/bin/sh combination you added. Save the changes and insert the card into the Raspberry Pi. You should be able to use the new password.
Modify the password file for Ubuntu
Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and you should be able to log in using the ubuntu username and password. We hope that one of these solutions was helpful. If you have any suggestions related to this topic, please leave a comment in the dedicated section below.
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