Some Foobar 2000 users have posted on support forums about an Unrecoverable playback error. When they try to play MP3s in Foobar, an Unrecoverable playback error message pops up. As a consequence, Foobar doesn’t play the music.

How can I fix the Foobar Unrecoverable playback error

1. Run the Windows Media Player Settings troubleshooter

2. Disable the GX mode

If you’re utilizing Foobar with Xonar DX Control Center, try disabling the GX mode. To do this, you can simply Open the Xonar DX Control Center and deactivate the GX mode by disabling the option.

3. Restart the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder

4. Adjust the default audio format to 16-bit

5. Reinstall Windows Media Player

6. Reinstall Foobar

We hope this guide has proven useful in your case. If you want to share your experience with us, or have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the section found under this guide.

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