Recently, some pictures revealing attempts to install Windows 10 ARM version on Nintendo’s hybrid console were leaked by a Twitter user. Most of the problems that were encountered by the developer have been documented on Twitter. The recent status update made by the developer revealed the Windows boot logo on the console. The user also mentioned that the project is currently in the development stages and he’s planning to work on the memory part primarily. As the functionality of the current development is still unclear, tweaking the device to run the Windows 10 might take some time. If you are a developer and interested in contributing to the project, you can simply check out the GitHub project to work on the current UEFI firmware. You might not be convinced by the idea of Windows 10-powered Nintendo Switch. One advantage is that you can easily switch to a large screen by docking it to a monitor or television. As quick reminder, Microsoft is also experimenting to enhance the usability of Windows 10 ARM on lower-powered ARM-based SOCs. So, this third-party attempt to run Windows 10 on Nintendo Switch is not surprising at all. Not if we take into account the recent rumors suggesting that Microsoft is bringing Xbox Game Pass and app to Nintendo Switch. Although the idea seems great, it is still unclear that either the touch screen work with the OS and the performance of certain apps is also yet to be seen. It is going to be interesting to see how the developer forces the hardware and software to work against its specifications. It is just a matter of time to wait and watch how the developer overcomes these issues. RELATED POSTS TO CHECK OUT:

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