Here are the features that the Halo 5: Forge App comes with:
Free access to the latest videos, tutorials, news, and insights from across the Halo universe, including Halo 5: Forge and the soon-to-be-released Halo Wars 2; Launch the latest Halo games available on Windows, including Halo 5: Forge and Halo Wars 2 (coming soon); Fresh content from 343 Industries, bringing you the latest and most exciting updates and videos available; Discover information on future titles as well as Forge maps and modes created by the Halo community; Learn tips and tricks for playing a variety of Halo games, including tutorials on building content in Halo 5: Forge or details on how to best use various units in Halo Wars 2 (coming soon).
Halo 5: Forge also comes with videos, tutorials, latest news, update notes, featured community content and many more things related to the Halo universe. In addition, you will be able to easily download, find and launch Halo games that are available for computers running on Windows OS. From what we’ve seen, Halo 5: Forge for Windows PCs has almost the same UI as Blizzard’s application. We’re not sure if the company truly copied the idea from Blizzard, but we hope it didn’t. However, if you are a Halo 5: Guardians player, we suggest you head to the Windows Store and install Halo 5: Forge. Are you playing Halo 5: Guardians? Tell us your thoughts about it! RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:
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