This issue can be extremely frustrating, especially if you’re working with a large number of windows and applications at the same time and some get stuck off-screen. Even though this might seem like an unsolvable problem, in today’s article we will discuss what are the best options to apply in this situation. Read on to find out more details.
How do I get access to a window that is off-screen?
1. Change the resolution
Windows 10 doesn’t fit the screen? Try these fixes
2. Use the Windows key on your keyboard
3. Use the Shift key
4. Use the Cascade Windows option
5. Maximize the off-screen app
How to prevent this issue from happening recurrently?
Most applications that have this issue will most likely be set to the default position on your screen if it has been closed and re-opened, or, in some extreme cases, uninstalled and re-installed. If the application with this issue reacts the same way every time you open it, you might want to modify the properties of this app to prevent this from happening. To do so, you can follow these steps: This will make your off-screen app always start in full-screen mode, thus enabling you to minimize and move on your screen as you desire.
One of the methods presented above has surely managed to help you sort out the annoying off-screen application issue. If you feel that you have other suggestions for tackling this problem, you can let us know by using the comment section below. READ ALSO:
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