Spending too much time gazing at a white screen can have unpleasant consequence for your eyes: they can get dry, itchy, or red. You can indeed reduce the strain on your eyes by enabling darker Office themes. Microsoft Office 2016 comes with two such themes, Dark Grey and Black, that help you protect your eyes if you spend long hours on front of you computer’s screen.
Turn on Black Theme in Office 2016
Enable Black Theme for a particular Office program: Enable Black Theme for all Office program: The three other themes, Colorful, Dark Grey and White are still available in Office 2016, and you can enable them at any time. The Black theme is one of the most popular features Microsoft recently introduces. Four other apps now support the dark theme: Windows 10 Maps, the Feedback Hub, Microsoft Edge and Outlook for Windows 10 Mobile. Have you already tried out the dark theme in Windows 10? Tell us more about your experience in the comment section below. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:
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