These errors will prevent you from syncing your files, and in today’s article, we’re going to show you how to fix these problems once and for all.
How can I fix iTunes error -50, -54?
1. Restart iTunes
Several users reported that restarting iTunes has fixed error -54 in iTunes, so be sure to try that.
2. Change your permission settings
You can also use Terminal to fix iTunes error -54: Users are also suggesting to disable FileVault if you’re using it, so be sure to try that as well.
3. Update iTunes
Several users reported that they fixed iTunes error -50 by updating iTunes, so be sure to try that.
4. Authorize your computer
After doing that, iTunes error -50 should be resolved.
5. Consolidate your iTunes library
6. Check your files
These are Apple’s official guidelines for fixing error -54 in iTunes, so be sure to try them. iTunes error -50 and -54 can cause a lot of problems when syncing content, but we hope that you managed to fix this issue using our solutions.
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