What to do if You Have Printing Problems in Windows 10

Solution 1 – Troubleshoot your printer

Solution 2 – Check if your printer is installed

If Windows 10 troubleshooter cannot fix your problem, perhaps your printer isn’t installed. To check if the printer is installed do the following:

Solution 3 – Install your printer manually

For this step you’ll need to go to your printer manufacturer’s website and find your printer model and download the proper drivers for it. Try to download the latest driver, especially if it’s optimized for Windows 10, but if no Windows 10 driver is available, you can also download Windows 8 drivers instead. Also, if universal driver for all printers made by your manufacturer is available you can try downloading it as well. We hope that these solutions were helpful to you, but there can be other problems with printers such as printer being offline in Windows 10, but we already have already covered that issue in one of the previous articles. Read Also: Fix: Apps Freeze in Windows 10

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