In order to protect your work, Photoshop automatically locks the background, and if you wish to unlock the layer you will have to manually tell Photoshop to allow you. However, some users have reported that they are not unable to work with any images due to a Not a PNG file error. If the user clicks on OK, the image doesn’t load into the Work area. Locked layers ensure that you don’t accidentally make changes to original images or sections of your work. This is why any image you open is locked from the get-go, labeled a background layer. Photoshop does not want you to accidentally ruin the original photo. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to adjust locked layers, however.
How to unlock layers in Adobe Photoshop?
1. Update Photoshop to the latest version
Keep in mind that if you wish to benefit from the latest security patches, bug-fixes, and the latest features, you will need to update Photoshop regularly. Adobe has added many features with each update Photoshop becomes better with each version. It is important to download your software from official sources whenever possible. This way you protect yourself from malware attacks and ensure that your software is running smoothly. Here are some of the key features in Photoshop:
Support for mobile devices, including iPad State of the art content-aware fill Adobe Fresco is now included in your membership Automatic update of fonts from Adobe Fonts Improved blur effects
2. Unlock the background layer
3. Unlock other layers
4. Rasterize or edit smart objects
If you don’t wish to rasterize the smart object, then you can double-click and open it separately. Here you can make adjustments to it and when you save it, it will update in the main document. Smart objects are extremely useful tools in Photoshop. They allow you to create a document within a document and add multiple effects and composites to a specific item rather than the entire document. Those are some of the resolutions that might fix the program error for Photoshop users. Then users can print the photos they need to from Photoshop again.