There are quite a lot of upcoming features enlisted on the official website, but we’ve “translated” the technical language and here are the most important ones, along with possible launches: Read Also: Microsoft to Release Soon a Surface Miracast Dongle

Most important features in Internet Explorer 12

These are features that have been confirmed and we know that they are in development and will make their way for sure in Internet Explorer 12. But this doesn’t mean these are all of them.

Open Sourced – thanks to many developers who expressed their interest in contributing to the project, Microsoft has decide to make the entire site and even the data that backs it, available on GitHub under the Apache V2 license. Improved Search & Filter: thanks to the new upcoming “Interop” menu, it will be much easier to enter in your browser support interests to find available features Deep Linking – thjs concerns developers and lets them enable a deep link to a feature you want to share with others thanks to HTML5 History and Angular routing Better Mobile Support & Performance – mobile is the hottest word right now and it comes as no surprise for Microsoft to improve this aspect. Around 20% of IE visitors have come from mobile devices and that number is going to increase even more with the rise of smartphones and tablets. Microsoft will further optimized it to make it faster and easily adaptable to all kinds of screens. Media Capture API – this features enables for the web content to manipulate audio and video streams from microphones and webcams. Cortana on Windows 8 desktop, anyone? HTTP/2 – this is a major revision of the Web’s protocol and is aimed at decreasing the wait time spent loading web pages. And this is probably the most expected feature of them all for many of us. The major revampe is based on Google’s SPDY open networking protocol and is currently being standardized by the IETF. HTML 5 improvements – Microsoft also said that it will also focus on improving security and backwards capability and interoperability thanks to the latest HTML5 features. Web Audio – this is a technical specification that describes a high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. So, does this mean browser-based games with awesome audio are incoming? Let’s hope so. HTTP Strict Transport Security – this is an upcoming security feature that helps prevent “man-in-the-middle attacks” on secure connections. In simpler words, this prevents against certain hacker attacks and is a feature which Chrome and Firefox browsers have long supported. JavaScript Promises – this is a feature for developers get a standardized way to make asynchronous calls in their code

And here are some more smaller upcoming features (which make some sense to most of us) that we’ve extracted from the entire list: Content Security Policy GamePad API SPONSORED Media Capture and Streams WebGL Instancing Extension Cross-Domain Font Loading Mouse Lock Read Also: How to Fix OneDrive Not Syncing Problems in Windows 8.1

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