A user from Microsoft Group that goes by the name of Marvin has posted on Telegram that he noticed a change in Windows 10. It seems that the Windows Defender might get an overhaul from the old “Security Essentials” look and will have a new MDL2 UWP look. However, there is nothing official yet, as Microsoft hasn’t confirmed that they are working on a UWP version of Windows Defender, but it might be just a matter of time until they do. However, for some reason, the “Hamburger” button seems to be a bit too low than in other applications. Hopefully, Microsoft will fix this before it gets officially released to the public. Below you can see a picture of the new Windows Defender version:

We have to say that if you are not using an antivirus application on your computer, then Windows Defender will surely help you to keep your PC safe. Keep in mind that if you are new to computers, it is good to have a FREE antivirus such as Avira or a paid one such as Bitdefender, which are doing a better job than the anti-malware application developed by Microsoft. What are your thoughts about Windows Defender? Are you using it on your Windows PC or do you prefer to use a “professional” type of anti-virus to keep your computer protected? RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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