According to Xbox support, the pricing error had to do with server maintenance being done at the time. Pricing errors appeared on several other items as well, but outside of Fallout 4, the other games affected are not known. Because of this, Microsoft decided to give users who downloaded Fallout 4 $10 to smooth things over and should be expected in their Microsoft account by the end of June 2016. While there’s not much $10 alone can buy on the Xbox Store, it can certainly be of help with the purchase of a new game. Would it be possible to keep playing Fallout 4? We’re not sure, but there might be an option that could work. You see, for Microsoft to brick the game and remove it from your Xbox One, the system must be connected to the web. Simply means, if you haven’t yet connected your Xbox One to the web since then, then don’t and enjoy your brand new Fallout 4 — without Xbox Live access to show off to your friends, of course. So, play and enjoy the game for a while, then allow the software giant to do what it wants and claim your $10. Bear in mind that mods are now available for the Xbox One version of Fallout 4, a move that breathes new life into the game. With E3 upon us, this $10 from Microsoft could help with the purchase of games such as the recently leaked Halo Wars 2, Watch Dogs 2, or even FIFA 17. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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