The Surface Studio first launched in the United Stated last October, but it was only made available in that country, something that was frowned upon by consumers and industry peers alike. Now, there is talk about a potential July release of the device in the French market. This would put the European debut of Microsoft’s Surface Studio almost one full year behind the US launch.

It’s complicated

There are many factors to be taken into consideration here, including the way this device was received and then further managed in its home country. Many are inclined to believe that Microsoft knows something the public does not. On the other hand, it might have been Microsoft “just going with it”.

Time to introduce the Surface Studio to Europe

The Surface Studio is an all-in-one PC and left many people impressed when it was introduced. Due to its very limited availability in the world, there are large consumer bases that are unaware of the device. That being said, tech enthusiasts have probably heard of what they can’t buy by this point and are now excited about the possibility of finally getting their hands on one.

Even more to come

If it all ends up being true and France gets the Surface Studio release in July, it could mark the Surface Studio making its way to other European countries in the following months. These are interesting prospects for a device now a year old. The Core i5 and i7-equipped device also comes with the GTX 965M graphics rendering solution or the GTX 980 M. The two graphics cards feature 2GB and 4GB video memory, respectively. Other specs include 2TB of storage, 32GB of RAM and a 28-inch 4500 x 3000 display. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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