What are the attacking organizations?

According to Burt’s report, Microsoft detected three organizations operating from Russia, China, and Iran that targeted  organizations and all responsible parties implicated in the U.S. elections: Microsoft said that they detected and stopped the majority of the attacks using the security tools built into their products and they also notified those who have been targeted or compromised. Zirconium, operating from China, has attacked high-profile individuals associated with the election, including people associated with the Joe Biden for President campaign and prominent leaders in the international affairs community Phosphorus, operating from Iran, has continued to attack the personal accounts of people associated with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign

What are the targets of hacker organizations?

Strontium, a Russian affiliated group who was also implicated in attacking the Democratic presidential campaign in 2016, has been triggering more than 200 organizations. According to Microsoft’s report, among others, Strontium attacked U.S.-based consultants serving Republicans and Democrats, think tanks such as The German Marshall Fund of the United States, and advocacy organizations. They are also known to attack the national and state party organizations in the U.S., and The European People’s Party and political parties in the UK. Zirconium, a Chinese-linked hacker group is known for information theft and espionage: The first category contains people closely associated with U.S. presidential campaigns and candidates including Joe Biden and prominent individuals formerly associated with the Trump Administration. The second category is composed of prominent individuals in the international affairs community, academics in international affairs from more than 15 universities, and other international organizations. Phosphorus, an Iranian hacker organization focused its attacks on Trump’s campaign: Microsoft expressed their concern but also ensured their full implication in blocking suck attacks and also suggested setting up security solutions to defend against these threats. How do you feel about hacker attacks on the U.S. elections? Leave your thoughts in the Comments section below.

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