Steam is one of the biggest online gaming platforms. Millions of gamers use this app on a daily basis, in an attempt to download and play games through the platform. Knowing when it is the right time to buy their favorite game is very important for gamers. Steam offers serious game discounts through Summer and Winter Sales, but they also offer smaller daily discounts. Valve’s gaming platform came up with an option, in an attempt to get you notified when you’re favorite games are offered discounts. We made a quick guide on how to add games to Steam’s Wishlist. Check the instructions below.

What are the Steam games sale alerts?

Keep in mind that a Steam game sale alert is nothing more than a Wishlist Notification. In case you choose to enable it, you’ll be notified via email or through the mobile app when the games on your wishlist are on sale. So, whether you’re riding the bus, walking the dog, or stuck in a meeting, you’ll know when there’s a deal! Also, do not forget that if you’d prefer not to be notified, it’s easy to opt-out of email or turn off mobile notifications.

How can I enable game sale alerts on Steam?

When a discount is applied to the game, you will receive notifications via the email linked with your Steam account.

How can I change where my Steam notifications appear?

If you’re wondering whether or not you can change where your Steam alerts appear, keep in mind that there is only one way to do it. In this matter, you should install a third-party skin. Skins come with custom steam. styles files that are not overwritten by the software. As a consequence, you’ll be allowed to modify the file to set the position of the popup to a different screen corner. In order to know when Steam sales take place, you need to enable the notification alerting you of the discounts applying to the games placed on your Wishlist. Make sure to be aware of Steam Winter and Summer sales, as well as Mid-week, Weekend, and Daily sales. Always make sure to constantly check your email for Steam notifications. Also, you have to know that some users reported that the Steam game doesn’t show up in the library. In case you ever face this issue, make sure you check some useful solutions to fix it. If you found our quick guide on how to enable Steam notifications helpful, leave a comment in the comment section below.

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