However, even though it’s implemented from the get-go, OneDrive for Windows 10 has lots of small but annoying issues going against it. One of the common error messages is concerning the already-existent files or folders in OneDrive when users try to upload a completely new folder or file. Luckily, this inconvenience is solvable, and we have just the right steps to help you out.

What can I do if files already exist in this folder on OneDrive?

1. Sign out and sign in again

Let’s start with the basic step. OneDrive sync halts are not uncommon. This might be a temporary issue or a bug brought in with the latest update. Or the problem might be on your side, in case the syncing procedure is interrupted. One way or another, we always suggest login out and then signing in again. Just make sure to sign out of all clients and use the desktop OneDrive exclusively. This seemingly helped some users, but don’t hold your hopes high. If the problem is persistent, continue to the next step.

2. Rename the files

Now, even if the files have a different name, the bug might prevent merging and you’ll be welcomed by the error. Also, due to the sync problem, even the deleted files might still be cached. Thus, the client will inform you that they’re still there even if you’ve deleted them from your local folder. For that reason, we suggest renaming the blocked files you’re trying to upload. Even the minimal change should resolve the problem and you should be able to move on.

3. Upload the files via the app or in the web-based client

Another way to fix this error is to simply avoid the standard local folder and stick with either the UWP app or the web client. SPONSORED This is a good method to circumvent possible issues with the desktop client.  Also, what are the chances that every OneDrive option is broken at the moment? Either way, use the above steps to upload your files to OneDrive over the web client. And here are the instructions on how to do it over the Store app:

4. Change the local folder location

Finally, if none of the previous steps worked out for you, we suggest changing the location of the OneDrive’s local folder. With that little trick, you should be able to update your files without any problems whatsoever. Of course, you can skip downloading all your files locally from the cloud storage. In addition, while we’re there, you can reinstall the OneDrive desktop client and start with the clean slate. With that said, we can wrap this up. In case you have any alternative solutions or questions regarding the OneDrive error we covered today, feel free to tell us in the comments section below. So, if OneDrive persists to give this issue, you can always rely on other efficient cloud storage apps on Windows 10.

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