The new quitting penalties mean that The Coalition finally heard fan uproar and decided to do something about it. GoW 4 players have long requested harsher penalties for rage quitters and the news that The Coalition will finally take the necessary measures to do so have made many fans happy.

New Gears of War 4 quitting penalties

TC has deployed the first wave of quitting penalties with Title Update 3. More specifically, here’s how the company is planning to punish GoW4 rage quitters:

Players leaving a Core/Competitive game early will be suspended from matchmaking To avoid unfair penalties due to power shortages, players can rejoin a Core/Competitive match within 5 minutes of quitting Rejoining and completing a match will remove the matchmaking suspension time Matchmaking suspension time is displayed and visible including to your Squad Leader. If there is a suspended user in your Squad, you won’t be able to matchmake until their suspension has completed.

TC will implement more punitive measures against early quitters in the coming months as well. Hopefully, this will heavily discourage dishonest gaming behavior and reduce player frustration.

GoW 4 quit penalties: Is this really the solution?

So far, we haven’t answered an important question: What is the root-cause for GoW4 early quitting? Many gamers suggest that it’s the matchmaking system’s fault. For example, if a Bronze level player enters a match against a diamond level player, naturally they would want to leave the game. Many fear that quit penalties will only increase player frustration and they’ll soon just quit the game in reponse. In other words, players suggest that TC should address the game’s imbalances rather than focusing on punishing gamers. Other players believe that TC will only implement mild punitive measures in order to avoid dividing an already small community. All in all, early quitting in GoW 4 is a multi-layered issue that TC cannot address with a single solution. The changes the company has implemented and will continue to implement in the future allow it to assess the overall quality of matches. TC can then analyze the data they’ve collected and use it to add further changes. And this exactly what the company will be focusing on in 2017: What’s your stance on early quitting in GoW4? Do you think the game’s new punitive measures will help? RELATED GEARS OF WAR  STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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