Windows 10 Creators Update allows users to create their own 3D images and share them on Remix 3D. PowerPoint and Paint will metamorphose into PowerPoint 3D and Paint 3D, allowing users to create impressive 3D presentations among other things. However, it appears that Windows 10 users don’t really share Microsoft’s enthusiasm for 3D. The Redmond giant believes that its upcoming 3D-focused OS will revolutionizes personal computing, while users don’t seem to be that impressed. Microsoft recently posted a series of interesting threads about the upcoming Windows 10 3D features, yet judging by the number of views and comments, it appears that Windows users aren’t really that interested in 3D. Actually, many of these threads have less than 100 views. These Windows 3D features aren’t yet available, and this could explain Windows 10 users’ lack of interest for this OS version. Taking into account all the changes that Windows 10 Creators Update is going to bring, we must admit we expected that the majority of Windows 10 users would be interested in learning more about these new 3D features. However, it appears that users aren’t that curious about this update. Actually, Windows users were more curious about the so-called Redstone 2 update, than they are about the Creators Update. For the time being, we don’t really have a clear explanation for the lack of interest for the upcoming Windows 10 3D features. As stated before, the new 3D features aren’t available yet, but we don’t think this fact alone explains users’ low level of curiosity. Perhaps Windows 10 users will be interested in learning more about the Creators Update 3D features once they can test some of these improvements. Or is the lack of interest a bad omen for Microsoft? What do you think about the upcoming Windows 10 Creators Update? Are you looking forward to testing this 3D-focused OS version? RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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