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We’ve come across this problem in the past, as well, but we’ve decided to talk about it now, after one of our own readers has sent in this annoying issue. But in this situation, it seems to be affecting those who are browsing online and we’ll refer exactly to that.

SOLVED: PC display is blank, got flipped upside down

1. Run Internet Explorer Performance Troubleshooter

This is an automated tool which will check for any performance issues, but if you are using another browser and getting the same problem, then you will need to try out a different solution.

2. Disable add-ons and tweak the display

Also, the problem could be caused by a certain add-on, so go ahead and press the “Win Logo Key” + “R” and then type: iexplore.exe –extoff. This will disable the addons, so go ahead and see whether it doesn’t give errors with this setting enabled. If your display is upside down, go ahead and right click on the desktop > Personalization > Display Settings > Advanced Settings and look for rotation settings there, since it varies from machine to machine. Also, you could try one of the following hotkeys:

Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow: To flip the screen to the right. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow: To flip the screen to the left. Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow: To set the screen to its normal display settings. Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow: To flip the screen upside down.

3. Change display resolution

Blank screen issues may also occur due to incorrect or incompatible resolution settings. Restart your computer several times until the blank screen no longer appears – hopefully. Go to Settings > System > select Display and change the display settings to recommended.

4. Disconnect all peripherals

Some users confirmed that disconnecting all peripherals may fix this problem. Go ahead and unplug absolutely all peripherals (keyboard, mouse, USB flash drive, etc) and turn off your computer. Then boot up your device without plugging in the peripherals. You can then connect your peripherals one by one in order to detect the culprit. As for the blank issue, go ahead and try the fixes proposed by Microsoft in this article or follow HP’s highly detailed guide which can be applied to other devices, as well. If you happen to have knowledge of a working fix for the above mentioned issues, do let us know by leaving your comment below. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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