This is the first time in a long time that a new build for Windows 10 Preview doesn’t include any new features at all. Instead, this release focuses on improving the system’s reliability and fixing various other issues. According to Microsoft, build 14376 fixes 1,800 issues that have affected users in previous releases. In the end, this isn’t a surprise: a build without any new features was totally expected as Microsoft prepares for the Anniversary Update, which will arrive early August. The company already introduced all the additions that will be featured in the Anniversary Update, so the only thing left now is to improve stability and performance. In fact, Microsoft actually removed one feature present in previous versions of Windows 10 Preview that won’t be making the cut for the Anniversary Update: Messaging Everywhere, a Windows 10 feature that allowed users to send SMS messages from their PCs. What’s interesting about this release is that Microsoft hasn’t revealed any known issues. Of course, that doesn’t mean build 14376 is flawless; we’re going to prove that in our soon-to-come article about user-reported problems in the latest Windows 10 build. The build, however, has some known issues on Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview. If you want to find out more about fixed bugs and known issues in Windows 10 Preview build 14367, check out Microsoft’s official announcement blog post. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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