A Craigslist app on a Windows 8 tablet is a pretty useful thing, especially if you are looking for a new job or just a temporary gig. With a great design and fast response time, Craigslist+ is, in my opinion, the best Cragslist Windows 8 app to use. The great news is that thanks to a recent updated, it also works with Windows 8.1, as it has full support. Dubbed as a Craigslist browser on your Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows RT tablet, here its most important features:
In-App POST support Multiple cities suport with easy switches Search Postings with filters View Postings inside a map Save Searches, Postings Share Postings Account management Alerts and notifications for new search results Taking notes for Favorite postings Live tile support
But what is impressive is how many times this app has been updated which shows that the developers looks after the users who have downloaded and use it on a regular basis. Follow the link from below yourself to download and install probably the best Craigslist app for Windows 8 devices – Craigslist+ Download Craigslist+ for Windows 8
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